

Dcafwriting is the landing point for years’ worth of writing work by Drew McCaffrey—an ongoing process that is adding new layers each day. With the establishment of Dcaf Copy, Dcaf Writing is now a multidimensional destination for information, services, and literary entertainment.

On the side of creative writing, my interests are mostly centered on short fiction and novels. You’ll find a broad variety of genres on this website, from contemporary literary fiction to science fiction, epic fantasy, and even some elements of horror. On (very rare) occasion, there will also be poetry on here. Enjoy!

One thought on “About

  1. Howdy! Couldn’t find an email for you anywhere, but I’m from the Online Warriors podcast and stumbled across your show. I’m really digging the discussion on sci-fi books – I’m a huge sci-fi nerd (actually just finished the Imperial Radch trilogy this week) – and love the show.

    I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing a cross promo with my podcast. We swap 30 second audio ads with other indie podcasts we think are awesome and for our audience. Would love to drive more people your way, and I know we have some sci-fi readers in our community.

    Let me know!

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